

Sunday, September 9, 2007

i'm off to koh tiki wiki waka waii waii

this was originally posted elsewhere on 18-4-2007. so since i'm planning moves... why not go the whole yard..? so here it is...

you betcha' i'm off for a holiday at the dawn of may... if you had to ask "where", i'd tell you that is exactly the point. =)

It's been so long since i went on them walks of solitude. when you hearing nothing but the rustling of leaves, or nothing punctuated by little insensitive shits in the distance mat rempiting their way along or the blaring of car horns...

my favourite island has to be singapore. it's a classic example of irony. I live in a bland suburb (that's where all the nasty shit go down) and work in a city. so when i'm holiday in singapore, it's a great relief... cos' i'm on one and the locals are playing rodents. so i enjoy walking around like an uncouth apek lorry driver in his favourite running shorts, while everyone's in their business suits. you can't ever beat anonymity.

on a political level, they're like israel, with that "siege mentality" macho grunt thing. i dig the politics of "us against the world", but I don't like the direction they have taken to a lot of issues, but at least their consistent. singapore's mitigation to the frequent charges of being boring, hyperactive types has to be their transport system. efficient, dependable, cheap and un-rapid lrt-like.

i'd rather shun touristy islands - that whole common purpose thing scares me... what if the people who are already there are actually zombies... that's true.... if you go to a rave, see them move.... then again i connect with "shaun of the dead" and "kevin & perry go large" on an almost juvenile level... anyone out there, who thoroughly enjoyed how eye-ball paul got his comeuppance, message me....

now if were to consider that whole desert island thing, my decision on the state of that island and whether i choose to stay on it depends on a few things. electricity, perhaps? no... if I had this amazingly gorgeous goddess stuck on the island with me... it could be bearable... no one but us, althought she might not see it that way... or even a great qualified thai masseuse on stand by while i get used to the place. then again, not. especially since it is a "desert island".

which brings me to the cartographical representation of one's constipated rectum delivering out one tiny little piece of... well... a dunglet (like piglet but piglet's nice). if you guessed the answer, message me about it.

so much for travelling and islands...until next time... kill the lights and pray you don't see daylight.....

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