hey, this was niggling at the back of my mind for the longest time. this is wht albar said the last time in response to sarah montague's grilling on revathi soosay's situation - see this post.
“...has a child with a hindu man...”
“you know, if you follow a certain religion, like you are a member of a certain club, you are subject to certain rules. when you want to get out of that club, then you must make sure you follow that rule in getting out of it. but nobody is going to stop anyone who so strongly profess a certain religion, they want to change to another religion, that’s up to them but it does create misunderstanding between people, between religion... malaysia, we have survived because we have kept that com....(?)... rather than various religions living, practising, without interference. if you see in malaysia ther are more... malaysia practices more freedom than even in this country...”
now if you have a minister who flip flops as good as this, wouldn't you want to buy him a pair crocs, befitting of his ignominy? so let's see, the idioticus actually compares religiion to a club. please tell this tin-pot ding-dong that a club is one where you can enter and exit without fuss. anything else that suggests cruel and unusual punishment, i.e. to ask a person abusively, "are you sure you want to fuck out of the gang?" has to be a cult, and not a club. last i checked, i only had to make sure my dues were paid and the book club i was at, said "a-ok, bro"... so if the rules pertaining to your constitutional right to freedom of association apply, as the tin pot simplistically lets out, doesn't that mean there's a funk going on around here?
by the fucking way.... HH, can wave the 60cm keris all he wants but its never going to compensate for anything he may have to offer. btw, i'm quite sure i'm straight about this. Mr Pang might take a shine to keris. the keris is no umbrella by a long shot. it's not meant to protect other races and you can't say it is, and it shall be. that's not the way trust is begotten. HH, show us u got a comparable dong, and maybe we'll know that you know wht you're talking about. meanwhile you can stick that rhetoric up your USB port and get SIL to shove his iphone up your lil USB port, too, if you got space to spare.
meanwhile, yesterday, dear old "not a bum bandit no more" anwar has released a 10 second cock tease, and here it is... concerning the lingamgate saga. let's see how this swims, then i'll sort something out arising from my other post on this.
but right now... chill. but remember, kill the lights and pray you don't see daylight....
FC: ARTICLE 11- A Malaysian Dialogue
3 days ago